
Welcome to my Travel Blog where you can follow me Round The World!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Day 101. Brooklyn

My plane landed early....at 5:30am before customs even opened...we had to sit on the plane to wait for them to open. By the way, my plane took off at 8:15pm last night, and at 10:00pm, they closed the airport again and have said it will remain closed for at least 30 hours. (more eruptions of the volcano in Chile). That's what I would call "threading the needle."

Wow, it's weird being home!

So, back to reality, whatever that means for me now. At the advice of a good friend, instead of immediately trying to reevaluate my future, I think I will take another week or so to just be a visitor in my own hood. Food festivals, theater, museum exhibits, the High Line (the 2nd phase just opened this week)...and SLOWLY ease back into daily life. Savor the memories of an absolute phenomenal life experience, and work slowly on my re-entry.

I'll let you all know when I've figured out what direction my future will follow! The options are endless!

- Posted using BlogPress

Location:W 15th St,,United States


  1. sounds like a plain good plan for post-planing
    ... just prancing around your purlieu

  2. Welcome home...........Yep, ease in slowly. Now that you're back, it seems as tho' those 100+ days just wizzed by. What an adventure gal!!!!!!! Thanks again for sharing such a wonderful trip with all of us. Happy Day
