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Saturday, March 12, 2011

Day 9. Arrival in Australia

I arrived in Sydney from Honolulu last night. I lost a day, crossing the international date line, so arrived Saturday night, rather than Friday. I woke up this morning to what appears to be more bad news in Japan. Am unclear of the timing of this newscast. I had heard from my nephew after the initial earthquake had hit. He had walked 10 miles to get home as all trains were stopped. Then it took him five hours to make a 45 minute trip to pick his wife up from work. Her parents meanwhile had picked up their son. I am anxious to hear from him again after this latest activity. Second to that (significantly less important of course) is my uncertainty about my own stop that I was to make in Japan, which was to be on Saturday, April 16, Day 43 of this trip. I am heading down to breakfast where I will hope to hook up to wifi and learn more of what is going on.

I spent the night in the Holiday Inn at the airport (used my Continental points for this one), and fly to Adelaide this afternoon, where I have tickets to the WOMADelaide--world festival of music, arts and dance--for this evening and tomorrow. I just happened to stumble across this event in my Internet search of things to do in Australia. So it is why Adelaide is my first stop. When I opened up the magazine on the airplane, there was a two page spread about the event. It says there will be hundreds of artists from 30 different countries. It sounds so right up my alley.

I have quite an itinerary lined up for Australia, with the help of three of my friends, Janet, Colin and Thom. It is such a vast country, that deciding what to do required some insights-- in Janet's case several long phone calls and long lunches. She travels a lot, and it was fun having her help me. Also ran across an article about the land of oz in the "Travel Girl" magazine, a subscription from Diana.

As an aside, when I got dressed for the airplane, I realized that my pants were more loose:-). So far so good. My blue jeans not getting tighter was one of my established criteria for success in my 99 day eating out challenge, since I won't have access to my scale. So I seem to have succeeded on my first leg. Of course, I hadn't yet left the US yet, and some of my country destinations could present even greater challenges. For any H3 followers, some of the H3 tips I implemented were healthy breakfasts (six days out of seven); sauces on the side; something green, usually a side salad; then dip and spear with those salads; snacks (metabo meals)--yogurt and pineapple chunks; walk to and from dinner rather than catch a taxi; resistance band exercises; good, better, best; when all else fails, eat half. That last one applied to the chocolate molten cake at Roy's which I just had to have....watching them take half away was "the" hardest (Kara, I wished you'd been there to help me eat it!! I remembered at Christmas how you ate most of Susie's :-). I really didn't realize how many of these tips I had followed until I just wrote it down. So hopefully that will encourage me to keep it up.

Well, off to breakfast, the gym, then back to the airport for my short hop down to Adelaide.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Bourke Rd,Mascot,Australia


  1. Does the water really flush in the opposite direction? LOL!

  2. Dottie, so glad you arrived safely and that your off to a wonderful concert. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family members with all the terrible destruction and grave situation at the nuclear reactor. The entire world is watching and very concerned. Take care of yourself... lv mk

  3. lovely to read about your plans in Australia.I am going to a Didgeridoo Workshop next Friday eve. at the local yoga studio so I will be with you in spirit!

  4. Seen any kankaroos yet.............Glad you arrived safely & are off on another great adventure. Have fun at the festival. Pray all is well w/your nephew & his family.
