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Sunday, April 17, 2011

Days 43/44. Weekend in Hong Kong.

It's Saturday afternoon, Day 43, and I am sitting on the pool deck on the 21st floor of my hotel, overlooking Hong Kong Harbor. Sweeeeeettttttttt! It's a bit overcast, which is actually perfect, as there is a slight breeze. It's probably about 25 degrees celsius (a relief after 40 degrees). Lots of sail boats in the harbor.

I arrived last night, and didn't feel great. Felt a little cold coming on (getting in and out of an a/c car in 40 degree celsius weather probably wasn't much help). Plus I wasn't eating a lot of veggies the last few days because they were served raw and I was worried about how they'd been cleaned. I did order some fried veggies one day, but they were a little greasy. So, my stomach has survived so far, but my head decided to get stopped up.

Btw, the food in Myanmar was not the greatest. Kind of like Bhutan....I.e., they don't quite have their own food identity (that first day, the guide had told me how the other countries had influenced their food, but instead it has made them undecided about their food identity). And they are not used to cooking for tourists. The lunch my guide made for me was the best meal I had, and the other meal at that same restaurant was good, but otherwise, not so great.

So last night I stayed in and ordered room service and nursed my cold, with the hope that it will go away quickly. It seems to be working.

I slept in this morning, and then went down for breakfast....to be confronted by yet another breakfast buffet :-). So I asked if I could order off of a menu and had eggs with spinach and a plateful of fruit. (ps, I did have a chance to weigh myself yesterday, and I am right on target with my goal of not gaining any weight :-).

After breakfast, I took the free shuttle bus into the main area of Kowloon and walked around the market area for about 2-1/2 hours. Then thought I shouldn't push it, and came back to the hotel to relax and nurse my cold some more. So I will sit here for a while and read my book....current book is "in a sunburned country" which is Bill Bryson's travel book about Australia. I had tried to read it before I left, but it has much more meaning now that I've been there. I finished the book "Moscow Rules" and it was a typical spy/espionage book. I enjoyed it ok, but it barely touched on the actual city of Moscow. and was too much about planned terrorist attacks, which still unnerves me a bit.

Hmmm, clouds don't look so good. It is supposed to rain the next two days, so it looks like I still might not get a good photo/view from Victoria Peak.

Dinner....I did feel like I needed a good dinner, so I went into the main district and had shrimp with veggies and cashews, and fried rice. Then back and into bed early.

This morning, Sunday, Day 44, my little cough seems to be gone, and so now its up to the sudafed to clear out my head (which it has started to do) before I head off to Russia on Wednesday. Since its even yukkier out today, I will probably just hang out at the hotel to let the head clear out. (although I'll go into the main district for dinner....I can only take so much hotel food :-)

Sunday, day of rest!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Hong Kong

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