
Welcome to my Travel Blog where you can follow me Round The World!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Happy New Year!

Hi from Brooklyn, NY! I did some other domestic traveling in 2011, the highlights of which included Key West in September.

And then I went to Hawaii again for Christmas and had a marvelous time with my sister's family from Pennsylvania and Tokyo!

Well, not the best photo of the family, but we sure enjoyed the restaurant (Roy's Waikiki, one of my favorites! And my grand niece, down at the left end of the table, loves their chocolate molten dessert). I also had lots of NYC company during the holidays...and we thoroughly enjoyed the sights.

But now it's time to start on my 2012 adventures! In just 10 short days (on January 14th), I leave for Ethiopia! To follow me on this trip, log on to my new blog at globedotting2012.blogspot.com. Postings will begin shortly. - Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Park Pl,Brooklyn,United States


  1. Greetings from Madison WI! Exciting plans for you! But bad timing for us. We are in NYC for an overnight on January 13 and hoped to see you. It's our first time as a family in the city and are really looking forward to it. And hoped to see a friend who is also a NYC tour guide! Maybe next time. Thanks for sharing your amazing travels with us.

    Laura & Greg
